In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence ...
Dosen Ghaib: Sudah Malam atau Sudah Tahu
Dosen Ghaib: Sudah Malam atau Sudah Tahu
Four students had to take a short semester while other students were on holiday. At first these students were not suspicious during class.
Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai
Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai
Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors, and urban legends throughout the history of Japan.
Dead Talents Society
Dead Talents Society
Follows ghosts who want to become the spookiest of urban legends and most successful and famous stars in the underworld through their scare tactics and performances amongst the living.